Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Week 4 Delivery

Hey all, hoping you are all getting a chance to enjoy the beautiful weather. In our neck of the woods (or fields) we have been blessed with warm sunny days and cool starry nights. As mentioned in our last blog, we have had the pleasure to host many-a-friend of late, and truly appreciate their visits and help. I will be writing another blog about the goings-ons, but wanted to update those of you that like your shopping lists on what to expect this week:

Snow Peas

Green Beans

The last of the spinach, perhaps

Lettuce-bibb and fancy



Kale-dino and red russian

bock choy

Yellow Squash

New pota-ters


Everything is looking good in the garden, although the weeding never ends. Our onion crop seems to be the most fussy, so we are unsure what level of onions (or not) that we will have to share this fall. Bessie the cow escaped her three acres of woods, and went straight for our sweet corn, so that may be slim on delivery as well. Otherwise, here is the new veggies you will see in a few weeks:


Tomatoes-many varieties including heirlooms and romas

Peppers-at least hot ones soon, bell later

Sweet Corn





More soon, enjoy your week! Oh, and I will make Steve get on this here computer later and share some recipes for the newer items you will be seeing!

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